ELA - Developing Ideas



    Got your attention! If I asked you to write about Fortnite, what would you write about? Would you write about a time you were playing Fortnite? Would you write about your favourite character? Would you write about how "it is horrible and I should be playing Warzone?" Would you write about how it's created a zombie of young children who stare at their TV too much? 

    Fact is there is sooooo much you could write about when it comes to the topic.

    Follow the link about Developing Ideas. Learn how to narrow down your subject when in your writing, fiction or non-fiction. 

    Then, I'd like you to think about a non-fiction topic, it could be a country, a bird, a person and write me a one page report on this topic. 

Your essay should be 1 page, about 4-5 paragraphs. 

First Paragraph - should be an introduction about the topic. 

Paragraphs 2, 3, 4 - should be detailed facts about the topic

Paragraph 5 - Should be a conclusion of your paper and of the topic again reaffirming the facts that I learnt from you. 

When you're done you can e-mail it to me at ct.tlarocque@gmail.com 

I cannot wait to read about your topic!

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